Things are about to get better for your business


Do you own a business that’s starting out, ready to grow, or struggling to keep up? As our world changes, the list of things we need to do well to succeed gets longer and longer. Web sites. Blog posts. Search Engine Optimization. Facebook ads. Instagram. Google Places. Email marketing. Time management software. Project management.

And everywhere you turn, someone is peddling a solution that seems to require more time and money than you have to give. All of it takes you away from what you should be focusing on: your business.

This is where In Blue shines.

In Blue provides what you need when you need it. We get things in place before you add another person to your team, we deliver quality content to help you meet deadlines, and we create the online presence you need and train you how to keep it going (or we can keep it going for you). We find the software that will work best for your needs, set it up, and train you how to use it.

We make running your business easier and more effective.

We work with a talented team of graphic designers, professional writers, coders, project managers, and marketers to get you what you need.

You tell us the problem, we provide the solution. Contact us for a free consultation.